Grünecker patent study in the “Handelsblatt”: China dominates in electric car charging technology

by Grünecker | 09. October 2024 | News, Press

The Handelsblatt of 8 October 2024 reports in detail on our firm’s current patent study: Under the headline “China dominates in charging technology”, the editorial team presents the firm’s latest IAA patent study on charging technology for electric cars.

The article states that charging technology has become an international “research focus of electromobility”.

An analysis conducted by Grünecker shows that German car manufacturers have made massive gains in terms of patent applications, but that China leads by far. Our colleagues Jens Koch and Sebastian Flach have comprehensively analysed the car industry’s initial applications for electric charging.

In the global ranking, three German companies – the VW Group, BMW and Mercedes – made it into the top ten patent applicants worldwide in the field of charging technology. Nevertheless, the German automotive industry has so far had little power in the world’s largest electrical market.

According to Grünecker’s analysis, Chinese companies now hold more than 62,000 patents in the field of charging technology. A dense network of manufacturers, suppliers, universities and start-ups has taken the lead in charging technology. “The sheer number and the expertise are impressive,” the editorial team quotes Jens Koch. This compares to just under 4000 priority applications in Germany.

In China, the focus is primarily on charging columns and stations as well as data connections to the car: “Their goal is the smart communicating high-performance column,” explains Jens Koch in the Handelsblatt.

You can find our press information on the study in German language here.

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