Dr. Christian Hackenberger

European Patent Attorney

hackenberger@grunecker.de     S/MIME

+49 (0) 89 21 23 50

Office: Munich

Languages: German, English


After years of scientific research at the University of Augsburg, the Technical University of Munich, and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Christian Hackenberger transitioned to the patent system in 2016.

As a theoretical physicist, he brings rich experience navigating complex matters, proving invaluable when addressing intricate technical and patent law issues.

His practice primarily revolves around patent prosecution at the European and German Patent Offices, focusing on computer technology, artificial intelligence, communications and telecommunications technology, network technology, and automation technology.

Christian is a member of EPI and DPG.


  • Diploma in Physics at the Technical University of Munich, 2001
  • Research stay at the University of Florida, 2003
  • Binational doctorate in theoretical solid state physics at the University of Augsburg and the Université de Caen, 2006
  • European Patent Attorney, 2021


  • Patent Law

Technical fields

  • Computer Technology & Software
  • Video Coding
  • Data Modelling
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cryptography
  • Communication & Communications Engineering
  • Network Technology
  • Automation Technology
  • Sensor Technology & Semiconductor Electronics