Ferdinand Felix Brandl

Admitted to the Bar

brandl@grunecker.de     S/MIME

+49 (0) 89 21 23 50

Office: Munich

Languages: German, English


Ferdinand Brandl specialises in advising clients on registering and enforcing industrial property rights, particularly trademarks, designs, and copyrights.

He has extensive experience combatting product piracy and protecting against counterfeiting, providing strategic guidance on property rights applications. Ferdinand is renowned for his expertise in both judicial and extrajudicial enforcement, especially for unconventional and well-known trademarks and designs.

Additionally, Ferdinand manages worldwide trademark applications and represents clients in cancellation and nullity proceedings, notably before the DPMA and EUIPO.

His client portfolio includes major international corporations, medium-sized companies, and start-ups across various industries, including luxury goods, fashion, consumer goods, automotive and mechanical engineering, medical devices, and technology sectors.

Beyond his legal practice, Ferdinand enjoys swimming and indulging in quality coffee.


  • Trademark Law
  • Trademark Infringement & Product counterfeiting
  • Designs
  • Competition Law
  • Copyright Law

Key points

  • Luxury goods
  • Fashion
  • Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
  • Medical Products
  • Technology Groups
  • Fintechs


  • Vocational training (IHK) as an IT systems administrator at a large telecommunications company, 2006-2009
  • Studied law at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, first state examination, 2018
  • Research assistant at a renowned IP boutique in Munich, 2018-2019
  • Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich, second state examination, 2020
  • Lawyer at a law firm specialising in IP in Munich, 2021-2022
  • Lawyer at Grünecker, since 2022