Dr. Wolfgang Neubeck
neubeck@grunecker.de S/MIME
+49 (0) 89 21 23 50
Offices: Munich, Paris
Languages: German, English, French
Wolfgang Neubeck specialises in both patent prosecution and patent litigation, representing his clients before the German, French, and European patent offices.
He has garnered extensive experience in opposition proceedings at the EPO and in handling cross-border infringement cases, particularly in Germany and France.
His clientele encompasses a diverse range, including local German and French companies, as well as prominent Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and US corporations.
As a PhD student, he was involved in the fabrication of thin antiferromagnetic layers and their characterisation using synchrotron radiation. His work resulted in several scientific publications in renowned journals.
Before joining Grünecker, he worked as a systems engineer for a Dutch manufacturer of lithography tools for the semiconductor industry.
- Patent Law
- Patent Infringement
- Due Diligence
Technical fields
- Semiconductor Technology
- Greentech
- Beverage Technology
- Automotive Industry
- Aerospace
- Quantum Computing
- Studied physics at the University Joseph Fourier Grenoble, France, 1997 and at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 1999
- Doctorate at the University Joseph Fourier Grenoble, France, 2000
- Patent attorney training
- European Patent Attorney, 2006
- German Patent Attorney, 2008
- French patent attorney, 2009
- Partner at Grünecker, since 2011
- Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC), 2023