
Grünecker Patent- und
Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

(Professional partnership with limited professional liability)
Leopoldstr. 4
80802 München
Tel. +49 (0) 89 21 23 50
Fax +49 (0) 89 22 02 87

Residence: München
Register Court: Amtsgericht München
Register page: PR 1397
VAT identification number: DE 130 494 157

Representing partners:

Dr. Allekotte, Bernd, Rechtsanwalt; Bertram, Rainer, Patentanwalt; Dr. Blumenröder, Ulrich, Rechtsanwalt; Dr. Dropmann, Martin, Patentanwalt; Dr. Eickelkamp, Thomas, Patentanwalt; Dr. Erk, Patrick, Patentanwalt; Franke, Anja; Rechtsanwältin; Dr. Gauss, Holger, Rechtsanwalt; Dr. Hammer, Jens, Patentanwalt; Dr. Höffe, Moritz, Patentanwalt; Kahr, Felix, Patentanwalt; Dr. Kayser, Andreas, Patentanwalt; Dr. Kinkeldey, Maximilian, Rechtsanwalt; Knauer, Reinhard, Patentanwalt; Koch, Jens, Patentanwalt; Dr. Kronberger, Thomas, Patentanwalt; Kuhl, Dietmar, Patentanwalt; Maatz-Jansen, Gero, Patentanwalt; Dr. Marchini, Stefano, Patentanwalt; Meisinger, Christian, Patentanwalt; Dr. Miltényi, Peter, Patentanwalt; Dr. Nemethova, Olivia, Patentanwältin; Dr. Neubeck, Wolfgang, Patentanwalt; Nickel, André, Patentanwalt; Dr. Pfau, Anton Konrad, Patentanwalt; Dr. Plaggenborg, Rainer, Patentanwalt; Dr. Stumvoll, Alexander, Patentanwalt; Dr. Vogelsang-Wenke, Heike, Patentanwältin; Dr. Weigelt, Udo, Patentanwalt; Zeman, Steven M., Ph.D., Patentanwalt.

Content is provided exclusively for information purposes and does not constitute legal counsel. The information should not be used in concrete individual cases without consulting a lawyer.

Where links to external websites are included, no responsibility is accepted for their content. The entire design, including text, graphics and their selection or design is copyrighted.

The following information is provided with regard to legal provisions of the German Telemedia Act (TMG).

Patent attorneys are registered by listings administrated by the German Patent and Trademark Office, and are also members of the German Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys ( Patent attorneys are subject to the professional rules stipulated by the German Patent Attorney Code (Patentanwaltsordnung, BGBl. I 1966, 557, BGBl. I 2001, 3656) and the Professional Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys (Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte, Mitt. 1997, 243). They are also members of the ‘Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle’ and as such subject to its code of professional conduct (

European patent attorneys are registered at the European Patent Office and are members of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office ( As such, they are subject to its code of professional conduct (epi-information 2/2001, 75) as well as the disciplinary rules set out by the European Patent Organi-sation’s board of directors.

European Trademark Attorneys are registered at the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs). They are subject to the prescriptions of council regulations regarding community trademarks.

Attorneys-at-law are members of the Munich bar association (, unless specified otherwise. They are subject to the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO) and the Lawyers Professional Code of Conduct (BORA, see also for current regulations). Furthermore, the professional regulations issued by the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe ( are binding for each of the attorneys-at-law.

The French patent attorneys (Conseils en Propriété Industrielle) are subject to the Code of Conduct of the French patent attorneys. They are members of the Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle CNCPI (

The Italian patent attorneys (“Consulenti in brevetti”) are subject to the Code of Conduct of the Italian patent attorneys. They are members of the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (

The Spanish patent attorneys (Agente de la Propiedad Industria) are members of “Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial” ( and are subject to the corresponding Codes of Conduct.

The Japanese patent attorneys (弁理士) are a members of “Japanese Patent Attornys Association” ( and are subject to the corresponding Codes of Conduct.

Professional liability insurance:

Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Königinstraße 28
80802 Munich

without any restrictions in territorial scope.

The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution, which can be found at

In Germany, the competent consumer conciliation board for disputes over proprietary interests resulting from a client relationship is the Lawyers’ Meditation Board (Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft), Neue Grünstraße 17, 10179 Berlin,

Grünecker Patent- und Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB does not participate in procedures for dispute resolution before a consumer conciliation board.

Responsible for the content according to § 18 (2) of the State Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag – MStV) is Dr H. Gauss.

Concept, design, code: Sunny Sundays