Grünecker receives Tier 1 ranking for trademarks

by Grünecker | 22. February 2024 | News, Rankings

Grünecker has once again been honoured by the Legal500 editorial team as one of Germany’s leading law firms for trademarks. In the category unfair competition the firm was ranked in Tier 2.

In trademark law, the firm “counts numerous global corporations among its client base, for which it conducts and coordinates market entries and proceedings at German and international level”, according to the editorial team. The range of legal advice extends “from registration and portfolio management to disputes over the entire life cycle of trademarks”. The team is praised for its “excellent cooperation and communication” as well as “strategically clever and outstanding technical solutions”. Clients also appreciate the “innovative use of technology and the collaborative approach”. Anja Franke is regarded as a “key advisor for Asian companies and issues relating to the Asian region”, while Cornelia Schmitt is described as an “experienced advisor to companies from the US market”. Holger Gauss advises “primarily the pharmaceutical, media and fashion sectors” and is valued by clients for his “excellent and in-depth expertise and industry knowledge, which he uses in combination with his hands-on mentality to develop a solution perfectly tailored to the client” as well as for his “extremely pleasant and reliable nature.” Nicolás Schmitz, who specialises, among others, in the luxury goods, fashion and medical devices sectors, is, according to one client, “always on hand when we have trademark law issues, whether it is strategic, administrative or legal.” Maximilian Kinkeldey advises “across the board on trademark, design and competition law” and is recognised by Legal500 as a “leading name”. Another core lawyer is Philipp Strommer, who is particularly active in the area of dispute resolution. Jennifer Rosenhäger and Sebastian Clotten are also recommended.

In the field of unfair competition, the team proves to be particularly experienced “in the context of anti-competitive imitations, advertising law issues and other contentious and strategic issues of unfair competition”. One client comments: “Maximilian Kinkeldey, Holger Gauss and Anja Franke epitomise excellence in dealing with unfair competition. Their special combination of legal expertise, customised strategies, ground-breaking methods and unwavering commitment to the client makes them a first-class option in this field.”

The full rankings can be found here.

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