Semiconductor Technology
The key technology for advanced data processing is powerful integrated semiconductor circuit (IC) technology. The latest applications, such as those for artificial intelligence and blockchain, require unprecedented data processing throughput.
Realization of such advanced ICs requires an ever-increasing miniaturization affecting switching rates, power consumption and efficient usage of die real estate.
This increasing miniaturization can make infringement difficult to detect, potentially impeding effective patent strategy. While state-of-the-art analytic tools, such as TEM for feature identification or XRD for material determination, generally allow conclusions as to structural device properties, in some instances, a claim for an inspection of a competitor’s site or documents under Section 140 (c) of the German Patent Act may become necessary for successful enforcement.
Having served Fortune 500 clients in the IC business for decades, our attorneys have the necessary expert knowledge and legal experience to guarantee strategic and successful drafting and prosecution, thus providing a solid foundation for successful enforcement later on.
Focus areas
- Process technology
- Electronic design automation
- Assembly
- Packaging
- Wafer fabrication